How to get USA clients to pay you up to 10X for your services, from home in Guatemala.
TG Leaders is for anyone selling a product or service in Guatemala, that thinks their business should be selling in the USA. We take you through a series of courses, 1:1 Training, and even can get into your business to help you get your products or services to high paying clients outside of Guatemala.
Lets face the Truth, Selling SUCKS! Especially to a market you dont understand.
Well Guess What!?!
USA Clients have purchased $2.3T USD
in Imported Services alone in 2023!
That's more than the entire GDP of Guatemala by 20X!
Let us guide you into entering this market, whether it be a product online, a service you are really good at, or even a handicraft you make at home. USA clients can pay up to 10X the amount you're currently selling for in Guatemala. And their easier clients to please!
My name is Blake Thurgood. I've been able to sell seven figures to the USA in my first year of offering services. I now have clients paying me upwards of $75k per month in MMR. I've paid out more than $1.3M to my providers and employees here in Guatemala since I started and have helped others land more than $3M in clients in the past 18 months.
This could be you!
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¡Bienvenidos a TG Leaders! El lugar donde Guatemala encuentra sus estrategias empresariales. Inspirados por las empresas más grandes de Estados Unidos, planeamos enseñar un nuevo estilo de negocios donde empleados de calidad pueden convertirse en héroes globales, poniendo a Guatemala en el mapa. Ofrecemos cursos, eBooks y sesiones de coaching personalizado en una amplia variedad de temas. Únete a nosotros y descubre cómo alcanzar el éxito empresarial en la era actual.